Are There Heavy Metals in Baby Food / Snacks?

Here at Awsum Snacks, there are no heavy metals present in any of our baby snacks.
At Awsum Snacks, we specialize in creating healthy snacks for babies. To ensure this, all of our final products are tested by a third-party laboratory for any heavy metals. The results always come back below the standards, guaranteeing the highest quality.
Are There Heavy Metals in Baby Food / Snacks?
• Heavy metals have been found in many baby food products, and the FDA is working to remove these metals from infant foods.
• Heavy metals — like arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury — can affect the developing brains of young children, even at low levels. These metals have been linked to ADHD and autism.
• You can minimize your infant’s exposure to heavy metals by limiting rice-containing foods, especially infant rice cereal, rice teethers, and rice cakes.
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