SUPERCEREAL. 1 ingredient - organic quinoa seeds. It is safe for FPIES

How to Include Awsumsnacks Baby Puffs in Your Baby's Daily Meal Plan
BABY puffs are a great snack option for babies who are ready to start solids. They are crunchy, tasty, and nutritious, made with organic quinoa and natural flavors. Baby puffs are gluten-free, non-GMO, vegan, and kosher, and they contain no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. They also provide protein, iron, calcium, and... Read more

Are There Heavy Metals in Baby Food / Snacks?
Here at Awsum Snacks, there are no heavy metals present in any of our baby snacks. At Awsum Snacks, we specialize in creating healthy snacks for babies. To ensure this, all of our final products are tested by a third-party laboratory for any heavy metals. The results always come back below... Read more