How to Include Awsumsnacks Baby Puffs in Your Baby's Daily Meal Plan

BABY puffs are a great snack option for babies who are ready to start solids. They are crunchy, tasty, and nutritious, made with organic quinoa and natural flavors. Baby puffs are gluten-free, non-GMO, vegan, and kosher, and they contain no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. They also provide protein, iron, calcium, and fiber for your baby's growth and development.
But how can you include baby puffs in your baby's daily meal plan? Here are some tips and ideas:
• You can offer baby puffs as a finger food for your baby to practice their self-feeding skills. You can also mix them with other finger foods, such as fruits, vegetables, cheese, or meat.
• You can use baby puffs as a topping for your baby's yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothie bowl. They will add some crunch and flavor to your baby's breakfast or snack.
• You can crush baby puffs and use them as a coating for your baby's chicken nuggets, fish sticks, or tofu bites. They will make your baby's lunch or dinner more fun and crispy.
• You can make baby puff bars or balls by mixing them with nut butter, honey, dried fruits, nuts, or seeds. They will make a delicious and energy-packed treat for your baby.
• You can bake baby puffs into muffins, cookies, or cakes by substituting some of the flour with quinoa puff flour. They will make your baby's baked goods more wholesome and nutritious.
As you can see, there are many ways to include baby puffs in your baby's daily meal plan. Baby puffs are not only a healthy snack for your baby, but also a versatile ingredient for your baby's meals. Try AWSUMSNACKS quinoa puffs today and see how your baby loves them!